4 Vitamins for Skin Tightening

These common, inexpensive supplements, probably in your kitchen cabinet right now, can improve complexion. Learn how.

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

A spoonful of supplements and vegetable for skin tightening.

Four Common Vitamins for Skin Tightening You May Already Have at Home

With all the emphasis on advanced anti-aging procedures, whether it's at-home or in-office treatments, we often forget about simple age fighters: Skin Vitamins!

If you're looking for easy and inexpensive ways to maintain your skin's youthful tightness and glow as you age, let me guide you through a list 4 tops supplements that can help.

Caution: If you are considering taking any supplement, be sure to talk to your doctor first to make sure that it is safe for you.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important supplement in your skin health toolbox. It's known for its anti-aging, hydrating and skin-tightening effects. It works by stimulating cell renewal to replace damaged skin cells with youthful, healthy ones. 

Recommended dosage: Adults can generally take 700-900 mcg daily. It's fat soluble, so take it with food to maximize absorption. *You can easily get this amount in any multivitamin.

Food Sources: Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and kale.

Note: Taking more than the recommend dosage can be harmful because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it can build up in the body over time. This can lead to a condition called vitamin A toxicity.

Vitamin C

The ultimate skin health powerhouse. I'm a big fan of vitamin C! This antioxidant protects against harmful free radicals that cause oxidation, leading to premature aging signs.

And, vitamin C is crucially involved in collagen production – the essential protein that keeps our skin firm, hydrated and youthful.

Recommended dosage: Adults can safely consume 75-90mg daily. However, a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry states that "taking vitamin C supplements of 500 mg per day or more has been shown to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation."

Food Sources: All citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, and bell peppers.

Note: Don't forget the use of topical C also. Applied in the morning it can help protect your face from environmental damage.

Collagen supplements

Widely known as "the skin's scaffolding", collagen helps maintain skin strength, elasticity, and tightness. However, as we age, our body’s collagen production decreases, causing sagged skin and wrinkles.

Thankfully, collagen supplements and powders are available to replenish our body's collagen levels, improved skin elasticity and firmness.

And, yes, contrary to popular belief, they are absorbable by body!

A randomized, placebo-controlled, blind study, provides proof that collagen supplements are absorbed by the body and can improve skin hydration, elasticity, roughness, and density. 1

Recommended Amount: There isn't a universally established daily recommended dosage, but doses between 2.5g-15g a day are generally considered safe for most people.

Food Sources: Sorry vegetarians, the most abundant collagen is found in animal products such as bone broth, chicken, fish, egg whites, etc...

Omega 3-Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are superb skin health boosters. Despite the term "fats", these compounds are beneficial for a glowing complexion. Omega-3s help maintain the skin's natural oil barrier, which leads to hydrated, plump, and firm skin.

Don't Like Fish Oil? Many people have a hard time taking fish oil caplets due to stomach issues. Or they dislike fish. A good alternative to Omega-3 fatty acids supplements is Krill oil. It is easier on your stomach and boasts similar skin benefits.

Suggested dosage: The ideal intake is 1.1-1.6g a day for women and men, respectively. Follow the recommendations on the bottle for best results.

Food Sources: Chia seeds, walnuts, fatty fish like salmon, and flaxseeds.

How long will it take

Vitamin word cloud. Vitamins to help tighten loose skin.

Many people want to know how long it takes before seeing any results from taking skin vitamins. Of course, that's hard to say for each individual.

Your overall lifestyle and diet will have a huge impact on how well your complexion ages.

However, the general time frame for seeing improvements in texture and firmness usually starts around the 3-4 month time frame. However, it will typically take up to 12 months for full results. 

Good Idea: Take pictures before, during, and after starting a supplemental regime for your face.

I did that when I started a face exercise regime to help tighten my saggy jowls. I was shocked  (and happy) to see how much my face changed over the course of 6 months. 😦

Woman getting nutrients from food for healhty skin.

Conclusion: Vitamins for skin tightening

Managing signs of skin-aging can seem challenging but doesn’t have to be. With these four skin-loving supplements, you’re just a step away from achieving hydrated, glowing, and tight skin.

Of the 4 supplements mentioned above, vitamin A can be easily obtained from your food. However, the vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids and especially the collagen protein, can be harder to obtain from diet. 

To make it easier, I often combine a handful of organic chia seeds with my collagen powder. And, throw in a handful of strawberries and I have 3 of my 4 supplements covered! 

Make them a part of your daily health regimen and witness your skin health transform. Age, after all, is just a number when it comes to embracing your radiance and beauty.

Also consider: Topical Vitamin Masks

In addition to taking supplements, think about giving your skin a direct vitamin boost with creams and masks.

Nutrient-infused masks can be a great addition to your skincare routine. They can provide a quick boost of hydration and essential nutrients to your skin. 

My Story: When I turned "fifty something" I suddenly noticed drier, less elastic skin. I NEVER had this issue before.

So, I set out to find what skin care products can help restore that soft, hydrated skin - that I took for granted just a few years back.

I've using Carolyn's Facial Fitness exercise (CFF) for years with good results and trust her. Also, she's a big advocate for natural, organic vitamins for skin care.

So, I thought I'd try her hydrating cream mask. My skin soaks it up so much, I don't even rinse it off. It just melts into my skin.

The hydrating mask combined with facial exercises has done a lot to improve the condition of my complexion and the shape of my face. See my before and after results here!

Q: Which vitamin is best for skin tightening?

A: It's hard to say, because different supplements work in different ways to enhance the firmness of your complexion. However, if I were to only pick two, I'd say vitamin C and collagen supplements.

Q: What vitamin deficiency causes sagging skin?

A: It's tough to pinpoint one supplement as the sole cause of sagging. Many factors, including dehydration, can play a role. But there are steps you can take to prevent it, like:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Using hydrating skincare products, such as moisturizers and hyaluronic acid
  • Doing facial exercises
  • Getting enough of the four nutrients listed on this page, whether from food or supplements

Q: Which collagen is best for skin tightening?

A: Type I collagen is the most abundant type of collagen in the body and is responsible for the structure and strength of the skin, and helps to keep it looking plump and youthful. If you're taking a collagen supplement, look for Type I and make sure it contains high quality ingredients.

About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.

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