Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

How to fix first signs of face aging and dull skin using home remedies and in-office treatments

Starting to see the first signs of face aging? Not to worry, today's anti-aging skin care treatments are pretty remarkable in restoring a more youthful appearance.

Surgical procedures are not your only option.

Ahead, we'll show at-home and non-invasive in-office facial treatments to tackle those first signs of skin aging and restore your youthful glow.

Anti-aging skin care treatment

Anti-aging treatments for face aging

As we age, it's important to take extra care of our skin.

Face aging can be a difficult to reverse, but with the right anti-aging skin care treatments, it is possible to improve the appearance of your skin.

There are both at-home and in-office solutions that can help to fix the signs of face aging.

So if you're looking for ways to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, be sure to explore all of your options listed below.

Why does my face suddenly look so old?

Sometime in your 40s, collagen and elastin production slows down considerably. You probably hear this all the time, but why are these proteins important?

Well, collagen is that good stuff that gives your skin it's skin strength and elastin and keeps it bounce and keeps it tight!

Lower levels of these proteins leave your skin weak and vulnerable to internal and external environmental assaults and quicker to show signs of aging - like lines, wrinkles and sagging.

A little too much wine, not enough sleep, maybe too much sun, pollution, poor diet, poor sleeping habits, lack of proper skincare, etc…suddenly the skin starts showing minor signs of aging.

But, there are anti-aging treatments (along with a healthier lifestyle) you can use to protect, reduce further damage and keep your skin looking healthy.

Treatments for signs of facial aging

malar bags

Sign:  hollow under the eyes, puffy eyes, or swollen bags that appear under the lower eyelid and around the cheek area.

These are generally signs of mid-face aging and can make you look aged and fatigued.

If you notice puffiness located lower on your face, specifically on your cheekbones, it might be festoons or malar bags, (also known as malar mounds or cheek bags). These conditions can pose challenges when it comes to anti-aging treatments. Learn more here: Festoons and Malar Bags Under Eyes.

If puffiness is due to under eye hollows, perhaps fillers can help by strategically injected to add volume or camouflage the puffiness. See fillers for under eye puffiness.

bbl facial treatment

Sign: enlarged pores and dull, dry skin


As we get older, our skin's natural ability to shed dull cells becomes less effective. This leads to a accumulation of sticky surface cells, giving our skin a dry and lackluster appearance.

These lifeless cells can also gather in your pores, causing blockages and making them look more prominent.

The use of exfoliators and peels can significantly enhance your complexion. Even a single treatment can reveal a brighter, smoother skin texture and give you a radiant, healthy-looking complexion.


Home chemical peels are excellent, inexpensive choices that offer tremendous benefits. See which at-home chemical peels are best for hyperpigmentation, dull & dry skin or acne / oily skin conditions.


If you have sensitive skin with severe sun damage, dark spots, rough skin texture, or superficial hyperpigmentation or acne scars, consider getting an professional peel.

Professional strength chemical peels like glycolic, TCA, and phenol peels are applied in-office by an aesthetician or dermatologist.

Also, find out if slugging after at-home chemical peels is right for you?

Picture of sun spots on neck, before and after Vitamin C treatment.

Sign: age spots, liver spots, brown spots


If you’ve ever been in the sun, you probably have a few of these solar lentigines (age spots) on your body. But, when they start to pop up on your face, now it’s a problem! 

Nothing says “aging face”  like liver spots marring your complexion.

I'm not going to lie; treating these stubborn liver looking patches can be a very difficult and time-consuming task. Which is why the first and most important treatment is prevention. 

Always take extra precautions while outside, as well as following safe practices when exposed to UV rays by protecting your face with sunscreen every day.


Murad Dark Spot Correcting cream works well to even out skin tone and lighten spots. And, several women have told me they were able to lighten spots on their hands caused by driving in the car.

Vitamin C serum applied daily, along with exfoliation, can help reduce the color and size of the age spots. But this will take months of treatments before you see results.

Does it work? You can see my before and after results using vitamin C serum and weekly home exfoliation treatment.

Home chemical peels can also help lighten those brown spots. 


For serious age spots and discoloration, in-office cosmetic treatments, like laser skin rejuvenation, which offer the best results.

There are so many in-office procedures to treat hyperpigmentation. These skin rejuvenation treatments range from chemical peels, IPL (intense pulsed light) and laser resurfacing (CO2, Fraxel, Clear & Brilliant).

And with some lasers, like Clear & Brilliant, there is little or no downtime. Your dermatologist can advise you on what’s best.

Sign: loose skin 


Aside from wrinkles, and sun spots, sagging skin, and loss of volume are one of the most visible signs of aging.

The loss of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that help keep skin firm and elastic, can cause skin to sag.

These issues can cause:

  • droopy cheeks
  • nasal labial folds
  •  jowls

There are many anti-aging skin care treatments that can help to improve the appearance of sagging skin.

What about Topical treatments?

These anti-aging creams and serums containing anti-aging ingredients like retinol and vitamin C. But they really won't do much to tighten or lift sagging skin.

Aside from a facelift, fillers and/or radiofrequency therapy or other ablative treatments may be recommended to tighten loose skin. 


Facial exercise. I’m a huge proponent of face exercises for so many reasons. If done correctly, a facial exercise routine can not only help add more firmness and volume (especially to mid-face) but can help improve the tone and texture of the skin.

A face exercise program should include facial muscle building from the scalp to the neck along with skin massaging. 

In addition, these two simple jowl exercises can help firm up the lower face area, and shape and firm the cheeks too.


Buccal fat removal for sagging jowls: This in-office cosmetic surgery helps remove excess cheek fat. However, some feel it can help reduce the appearance of jowls too. 

Radiofrequency Therapy (RF): Radiofrequency therapy heats up (using low energy radiation) the deep layers of the skin. The causes slight damage which stimulates the body to produce collagen. Over time, this can help improve sagging skin.

Research suggests that RF therapy is safe and effective anti-aging skin care treatment for mild sagging skin. Your doctor will be able to provide you with more details and decide if this treatment will work for you.

Hyaluronic acid (HA fillers) dermal fillers like Juvederm, and Restylane can restore facial volume throughout the face.

Because these fillers contain smaller particles, they can restore volume in small areas throughout the face.

Sculptra: provides more bang for your buck because it works by stimulating your own collagen production and, therefore, can last for years. But, it can only be used in certain places of the face, like hollowness in the temples, mid-cheek and lower face. 

Radiesse: can be used as a mini-facelift since it’s a great option to use along the jaw bone (to lift sagging jowls) and cheekbones to add more volume to sagging or flat cheeks. It can last up to two years and also helps stimulate collagen.

Restylane and Juvederm: on the other hand, are softer, pliable, and can restore loss of volume in small sensitive areas like nasal labial folds and lips.

Lip-filler syringe.

Sign: Upper and lower lips are thin and/or wrinkled, shriveled, dehydrated, with loss of natural plumpness.


As we age, the skin on our lips thin out, flattens and develops vertical wrinkles around the entire mouth area.

Lips, like our face, gets its shape, moisture, and plumpness from collagen, which we lose as we age.

At-Home: There are some pretty effective over-the-counter products that can help keep the lips smoother, hydrated and a bit fuller.

Check out the best anti-aging skin care treatment for aging lips.  


The most effective option to plump up lips are lip fillers. Lip injection treatments are expensive, but they can correct many aging issues associated with the lips, such as:

  • thin lips
  • wrinkled lips
  • asymmetry
  • droop mouth
  • wrinkles around the lips and mouth

Lip injections and lip fillers. What's the difference? Which fillers are best for certain aging issues?

Anti-aging skin care treatment overview

Professional in-office treatments are powerful anti-aging treatments and offer fast dramatic results.

But, should you try them really depends on your age, your current skin condition, and your expectations.

While at-home treatment results are not as dramatic, they can make a difference and improve your complexion, especially if you start them early.

Regardless, you should at least consider at-home treatments as a preventative measure or maintenance if you've had professional treatments. 

NOTE: If you choose a combination of in-office and at-home treatments, make sure you speak with your provider and let him know about your at-home skincare routine. 

For example, after a professional chemical peel, you shouldn’t use at-home exfoliation treatments or Vitamin C or alpha hydroxy serums for about 5-7 days.

Over-exfoliating can cause redness and skin sensitivity. Let how your skin feels, be your guide, and always check with your doctor.

Don't have a doctor or wish to consult with one in your area?  Visit Realself, your go-to advisor for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment: FAQ's

Q: How long does radio frequency skin tightening last?

A: You can expect results to last up to one year. But, depending on how many treatments you get and if you stay on a maintenance program, your results could last longer.

Most dermatologist suggest getting a maintenance treatment once or twice a year, after your initial set of treatments.

Q: How effective is a TCA peel?

A: Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peel are very effective, especially for hyperpigmentation.

TCA peels are medium to deep peels and shouldn't be done at home, unless you really know what you're doing.

To remove stubborn brown spots you might need a pretty strong concentration (20-30%) which can damage your skin if you don't know what you're doing.

I would highly suggest getting these peels done with a trained professional.

Q: Which injectable dermal fillers are best for facial rejuvenation?

A: If you're looking for non-invasive procedures to provide a natural face-lift, then Radiesse might be your best bet because it not only helps stimulate your own collagen, but will last for years.

It's often injected along the jaw bone and on the lower cheek area, lift the whole lower face and restore volume to the cheeks.

If you have any questions about anti-aging skincare treatments, please feel free to ask us here.

About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.

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