Quick Neck Firming Tips: Holistic natural, DIY solutions for sagging neck issues.

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

How often do you apply a neck firming cream? Have you seen any results?

Throughout this website, I've discussed solutions for sagging neck issues.

But here are a few small tips you can do daily to further help improve or prevent the look of an aging neck. 

Neck firming cream for sagging neck skin,

I don't just apply a neck cream twice a day (morning and night), I also incorporate a neck massage along with the moisturizing ritual.

I've been doing my face/neck exercises regularly, however, it wasn't until I added this important step, did I begin to notice firmer skin on my neck skin and under the chin.

Before and after neck results using anti-aging techniques.

Here is the neck firming massage routine

Every morning and night, after washing my face, I apply a moisturizer or neck firming cream. Before the neck cream soaks in, I perform this quick Neck Brush massage.

This massaging/firming routine feels wonderful, and I feel it even helps my moisturizer penetrate better.

Try this neck brush massage and see if your neck doesn't look and feel better!

Before and after sagging neckBefore and after neck firming results doing face/neck exercises and massages

Try a neck & face firming pillow

This is my face pillow. I had it for a few years, so it looks a bit worn out. But, I won't go anywhere without it! No more saggy neck and face creases!

neck firming and face pillow.My face pillow for neck sagging and face wrinkles.

Recently I realized that despite my efforts to smooth my neck and maintain its youthful skin, I was creating more sagging while sleeping.

I realized that sleeping on my side kept the side of my face smashed into the pillow. So I decided to try to sleep on my back.

But this caused my head to slump forward, which created neck wrinkles!

What to do? Use a face pillow. Even if you sleep on your back, it helps keep your neck from slumping forward, preventing neck creases, sag, and lines.

Neck firming pillow.

I found this WONDERFUL pillow that helped prevent wrinkles on my neck and face whether I slept on my side or on my back.

The pillow helps to elevate and suspend my face over the pillows/mattress and removes pressure on my face and neck. 

When you sleep on your back, you just fold the pillow in half, and it cradles your neck to keep the skin smooth and holds the sides of your head comfortably.

Click on the link below to learn more and watch the video:

Face and Neck pillow

How I got started with neck exercises

A few years ago, I accidentally took a picture of my neck and chin at a strange angle that was focusing on the neck and up under the chin area.

Not a view that’s easily visible when looking straight into a mirror.

I was shocked to see how much sagging there was under the chin and how deep my neck wrinkles were.

I thought, "how am I ever going to fix this turkey neck wattle?"

I really wanted to know if face exercises and a neck massages worked to alleviate some sagging and wrinkles, otherwise I wasn't going to waste my time.

I mean, if your neck looked like that, wouldn't you want to find a neck firming procedure that worked?

So I took a before picture, found an exercise program I liked doing to did them every other day for several weeks, taking pictures along the way to document my progress.

NOTE: To make sure the comparison was as even as possible, I took the pictures in the same spot, around the same time of day (so the lighting was as close as possible), with the same camera. I also tried to get the same angle and distance. These pictures have not been altered.

However, I was lazy and didn't do the recommended neck massage that Carolyn (owner of CFF program) so strongly recommended.

And while I was seeing some results in the neck area, it was not what I had hoped for, considering I was doing the workout 3 - 4 times a week.

Well, I finally got into the habit of including the Neck Brush and Neck Ring Eraser to my weekly workout and my results improved dramatically! 

My neck firming routine

Here is a sample of my weekly schedule for a firmer neck and face:


  • I do this this facial workout 3-2 times a week. This comprehensive facial exercise program targets all 57 muscles of the face and neck. And, I do the Neck Brush twice a day while applying my moisturizer.
  • I also sleep on my face & neck pillow nightly.


  • A few times a month I do two bonus exercises to target my problem area which included the Neck Ring Eraser and the Lower Face Lift. (The Lower Face Lift is a free bonus exercise that comes with the CFF Program).


  • To help speed skin repair (this is optional) I apply the Vitamin C crystal serum to help firm up the skin on my neck and face a few times a week. I like this serum because it’s very potent (16% vitamin C) and you mix it together before using it – so it’s fresh and you know you’re getting the full potency.

Click here to try some sample exercises or to learn more.

About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.

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