Neck exercises for turkey neck and brown spots?

turkey neck and brown skin spots

turkey neck and brown skin spots

Thanks for your question regarding how often I do my face and neck exercises and how I got rid of the brown sun spot on my neck.

Here is what I do now and what I did years ago when I started:

NOW: Perform the full facial workout (takes about 15 min.) 1 maybe 2 times a week. Then I massage my face and do the neck brush either with my morning or evening face wash/moisturizing routine.

THEN: When I first started facial exercises many years ago I did:

- The full facial workout about 3-4 times a week
- The neck brush 2 times a day
- The face massage 2 times a day

The neck brush and face massage only takes a minute or two and were done when I washed my face in the morning and evening.

In the beginning, and if you have significant sagging like I did, you need to do the workout routine more often.

Then once you get your face firmer and to a point where things are looking better, you can back off and do it less often.

The neck area is VERY difficult to fix. So it will take time.

But if you look at my pictures here (before and after neck picture) you see that it is possible to firm up the neck skin.

Yes, it really works! :-)

In reference to the face massage and brown spots - I do the CIRCLE-UP-RUB while I apply my favorite vitamin C cream.

You can see how it works on the page link listed here. Scroll down to the middle of the page to see pictures of my neck skin before and after.

You can see how to do this face massage here.

Why do a face massage? This face massage helps keep everything balanced and even.

When you exercise your facial muscles, you want to a nice smooth build-up of the underlying facial muscles. A smoothing face massage helps keep an elegant facial build.

Speaking of a smooth facial muscle build, this is one reason why most facial workout experts will tell you not to spot train or target just certain parts of your face that bother you now or pick and choose different workouts from different face exercise programs.

By doing so, you'll risk the chance of overbuilding some facial muscles and underbuilding others. This can lead to an odd and unbalanced face.

For the best results, pick one face workout program you think you can stick with and feel comfortable doing - and then just do it!

Make sure to choose a workout program that works all 57 muscles of the face and neck. These muscles are interconnected, and they all must get a workout, even if that area of the face is not of concern for you.

For example, I don't have forehead wrinkles - never did. That's just my genetics. Mom and grandma didn't have them either. BUT, most face workout programs will have a workout for smoothing forehead wrinkles. I follow the program to a T and do the forehead exercise. Why, because strong forehead muscle can help keep your eyes wider looking and eyebrows higher - which looks younger.

So you see, it's important to do all the workouts in a program. I've tried lots of face workout programs but finally settled on one I like which is Carolyn’s Facial Fitness. You can view her program here.

That's not to say others aren't good, but this one fits my lifestyle and is quick and easy to do. So, it's important to shop around and try a few of them out. Many offer sample workouts on their website so you can get a feel for how they work.

When I first started shopping around for something to help lift and firm my face and neck, there weren't many programs to choose from, and none of them offered samples on the website, so I spent money and brought the programs and THEN realized -- I hate doing this!! :-)

Oh, well, live and learn, right?

Hope this information is helpful and not too overwhelming.


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Jan 07, 2020
One more thing about neck exercises
by: Linda

For more information on how neck exercises work and are part of a full are facial exercise workout - check this page:

Turkey Neck Exercises.

Hope that helps!

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