Two Simple Facial Jowl Exercises That Work!

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

Learn how you can tighten your jawline and reduce face sagging naturally without surgery. See my before and after pictures.

woman doing jowl exercises

Facial jowl exercises can help, but only if you do them!

Are you tired of dealing with sagging skin and jowls on your face? If so, then you're not alone.

We all want effective ways to tighten and tone without resorting to expensive and invasive treatments. That's where face exercise (or as some people call it, facial yoga) can help.

In this comprehensive guide, I'll walk you through two simple routines for a firmer jowl area. And, as a bonus, these workouts can help give your cheeks a nice shape too.

You'll learn what jowls are, why the jawline sags with age, and how to firm it naturally without surgery.

So, let's dive in!

Understanding facial jowls and their causes

Saggy jowlsWhat causes facial jowls in first place?

What are Jowls?

Jowls refer to the sagging skin and excess fat that can develop along the jawline and lower jaw.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and the underlying face muscles weaken, leading to the formation of jowls.

While natural aging is the main reason for sagging skin, there are other factors that can speed it up, such as loss of collagen and elastin, genetics, sun exposure, and poor skincare routine. 

So, even though you've probably heard it a million times …

Use sunscreen every day.

Studies show it can help reverse skin aging!

And eat a low sugar, low processed, high veggie and protein diet as much as possible. Every little bit helps to prevent early facial aging.

Here are some tasty tips for healthier diet.

What causes jowls

As we get older, many factors can lead to jawline sagging. But, here are four of the main reasons:

1. Loss of Skin Firmness:

Our skin becomes thinner and has less bounce or elasticity. 

2. Loss/Shift of Facial Fat Pads

When we're young, most of the fullness in our face is up high, like in the middle and upper parts, like an inverted triangle.

face shape change with age as fat pads sag downward.

But as we get older, it's the opposite. The fullness starts to go down towards the bottom, around the mouth and jaw, making it look heavier.

3. Facial Skeletal Aging:

The bones in the face undergo a process called bone resorption, which means facial bones become less dense and shrink in size. This is especially true of the mid and lower face area.

bone loss in lower face and jowls

This reduction in bone volume means a loss of support for the soft tissues of the face, like muscle, fat and skin. Causing saggy pouches around and below the mouth.

4. Weaken Facial Muscles and Ligaments

The support structures (like in our temple and cheek area) weaken with age and start sagging downward. This contributes to the look of fullness and fat pads along the jawline.

Note: Forget about creams and lotions for fixing sagging jowls; facial aging starts deep within. A study in the According a study in the Aesthet Surg J. 2021 confirms this. But don't lose hope: jowl firming exercises show promise. 😊

Benefits of facial jowl exercises

Jowl firming workouts offer a non-invasive and natural method for toning and tightening the skin on your face.

The Idea of Facial Exercise is Simple:

Exercising the muscles in your face can tone and lift the skin, reducing the appearance of sagging and wrinkles.

Just like any other muscle in your body, the muscles in your face respond to resistance training by becoming stronger and more defined.

By targeting the underlying muscles and ligaments, resistance training can help strengthen, lift, and potentially reduce the appearance of jowls. 

Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved muscle tone
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Enhanced collagen production
  • Natural facelift effect

Why exercises work

Why do face and jowl exercises work? Because they address many of the issues that cause facial aging and contribute to a sagging face.


The face & jowl exercises suggested in this article also massage the skin, stimulating the production of collagen, improving elasticity, texture, and firmness. And can reduce the appearance of fine lines.


Muscles become more resilient and better able to support your skin and other facial structures. Firmer, stronger muscles lead to a more lifted and toned appearance. 

Fat Pads:

Stronger facial muscles can provide better support for underlying structures, including the fat pads. This enhanced support may help fat pads stay in their natural positions. 

Before and after pictures

Note: There is a 10-year difference in the before and after pictures of my face below.

Surprisingly, my face appears more toned and firm in the more recent picture, despite being 10 years older!

Facial Jowls exercises before and after facial picture.The after picture was taken over 10 years later. My Jowls and jawline are firmer, cheeks are more defined and the neck is firmer. In my opinion, facial/jowl exercises do work.

Importance of Doing the Right Facial Jowl Exercises:

Keep in mind that at-home, natural facial toning techniques will not offer the dramatic results like in-office procedures or surgery can. But you will see a difference.

Just like any other muscle in your body, the face muscles need regular exercise to stay strong and toned. 

But, they need the Right exercises.

The kind that strengthen your facial muscles, without stretching your skin, And help prevent muscle loss and maintain a more youthful appearance. 

What exercises tighten sagging jowls?

Jowl exercises #1: 
How to lift sides of the face

The quick and easy jowl lift exercise video below combines 3 steps for sagging cheeks and jowls. And, it takes about 60 seconds to do.

Here is how it works:

1. The first step helps firm-up the malaris muscle. This superficial and delicate facial muscle is located near the outer corner of the eyes.

While it is not as well-known as other facial muscles, it does exist in some individuals, particularly in certain ethnic groups like Asians.

Studies suggests that the malaris muscle could play a role in lifting and supporting the mid-face area. This could contribute to a more youthful appearance and a less saggy jawline.

2. The second step involves shaping the cheek muscles.

3. The last step, massage and firm-up the skin in the mid-face area.

Jowl exercises #2: 
How to fix chipmunk jowls

This quick little face workout helps smooth those little pouches on the sides of the mouth.

Facial exercises can improve appearance: Proof

While more research is needed, a small study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2018 found that regular facial exercises can improve the facial appearance of middle-aged women.

In the study, participants performed a 30-minute facial exercise program every day for eight weeks. But, not to worry, the facial workouts I recommend (and use) take less than 15 minutes 3 times a week.😉

The study found that study participants who performed the facial exercise program had a significant improvement in the facial appearance compared to the control group.

More studies

There hasn't been a ton of direct research on whether strengthening facial ligaments and structures can stop fat pad shrinkage or sagging.

But a few studies shed some light on the topic:

1. A 2018 study in Aesthetic Surgery Journal examined the effects of face yoga exercises on facial rejuvenation. Researchers noted the exercises appeared to help reposition sagging facial fat pads back into their original position.

2. A 2015 study in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology discussed how weaken facial ligaments play a role in sagging facial fat pads.

3. A 2007 cadaver study in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery looked at how facial fat pads are held in place by ligaments. They suggested that stronger ligaments might help fight sagging as we age.

4. While not a study, facial exercise experts like Gary Sikorski claim facial exercises could strengthen the connective tissues, helping to keep fat pads from drooping downward.

Bottom line:

Basically, all of these studies suggest that facial exercises can strengthen muscles and connective tissues, which may help reduce signs of sagging and drooping. 

Realistic expectations

Some plastic surgeons say we need more research to be sure if facial exercises really work.

But what we've found out already shows that it could be a good way to fight sagging as you get older.

While exercises can definitely make a difference, it's important to set realistic expectations. They can help improve muscle tone and overall appearance, but if you're aiming to fully restore youthful facial contours, surgery is probably the best option.

Facial exercises: A safe and non-invasive approach

Unlike surgical procedures or cosmetic procedures, facial exercises are a safe and non-invasive procedure that can be done at home.

They offer a great way to improve the appearance of your face without the risks and costs associated with more invasive treatments.

Note: For best results, consistency is key!

Expert opinions

Gary Sikorski of Happy Face Yoga, a leading proponent of facial yoga exercises, believes it can help tone the muscles and reduce the appearance of sagging skin. "Facial exercises are a great way to improve the appearance of your face naturally," he says.

And, Dr. Murad Alam, a professor of dermatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, acknowledges the potential benefits. "While more research is needed, facial exercises may help tone the face muscles and improve the appearance of your face," he says.

Lifestyle factors and facial aging

It's important to note that facial exercises are just one part of maintaining a firmer face.

Other lifestyle factors, such as a healthy diet, adequate hydration, and sun protection, also play important roles in preventing signs of aging.

Final takeaway: Facial jowl exercises

Facial jowls exercise seems like a good way to make your face look better without surgery. It can help reduce the signs of aging and make your jowls less noticeable.

While more research is needed, working facial exercises into your weekly routine can help tone the face muscles, improve circulation, and boost collagen production, leading to a more youthful and lifted facial appearance.

Remember, consistency is key, and keep your expectations realistic. They'll never be as dramatic as surgery. 

For the best results, consider combining facial exercises with other skincare practices like facial massages, a healthy lifestyle and diet, and regular use of sunscreen to protect the skin from sun damage, which can contribute to aging effects.

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