How to hydrate my skin?

by Jenny
(Washington, D.C.)

What do you think is the best way to hydrate my skin? I suddenly found my face to be very dry and well sort of dehydrated looking.

I never had dry skin until this year. I assume it's because I'm older and over 50. But all the face skin cream products I've tried only feel hydrating for an hour or so, then I have to reapply my moisturizer.

Any suggestions? Your skin seems so moist. What do you use to make your skin look like that?

Editor's Note: Hi Jenny! Thanks for the compliment! Well, the only natural way I know to how to really hydrate my face without using lots of greasy creams (which I hate) is to use hyaluronic acid layered with a rich omega 3 moisturizer.

Hyaluronic acid is the key to keeping moisture on the surface of your face. Then a good moisturizer helps seal that moisture in.

I use Zenmed's Anti-Aging Duo which consists of a hyaluronic acid that contains small particles that can help penetrate the skin better than most and then I layer their anti-aging, anti-oxidant moisturzer on top of it all.

I usually try to apply this combo on top of damp skin, right after I wash my face. Or, I'll wet my face a bit with water and then apply the hyaluronic acid and follow that with their omega 3 rich moisturizer.

The best part of this product is that it's also helpful for those with extremely sensitive skin or those who suffer from rosacea or eczema.

Another reason why this product combo works is that it is perfect for those who happen to have problems with oily skin zones or some acne problems.

You see this combo adds moisture - NOT oil and therefore it does not aggravate those with breakout problems.

So, it's perfect for all skin types and skin color.

You can read more here....

Please write back and let us know how this worked for you if you decide to try it. I'd love to know so I can help others with a similar problem.


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Jul 13, 2016
hyaluronic acid skin care, Water, moisturizers
by: Anonymous

I would recommend drinking lots of water! That's got a lot of health benefits, of course, but since I upped my intake, I've noticed a difference in my skin.

I also use Yu-Be Skin Care, a Japanese line, because the moisturizer (and exfoliator to scrub off dry dead skin) makes my skin soft and smooth and springy without being greasy.

Hello and thanks for your email regarding the best way on hydrating facial skin. I'll give your suggestion a try.

However, I have to admit I am currently in LOVE with the Anti-Aging + Calming Duo Hydrating combo.

It's a hyaluronic acid cream and serum combo that you use together twice a day. Actually, in the summer months I only need the cream and then add the serum to regime around fall/winter.

I've been using it for a few years and have not found anything that comes close - even though I'm always open to trying new products because you never know when you'll find something even better. 😄

My biggest pet peeve about most hydrating moisturizers is they are either too greasy and leave your face looking super shiny. Or they seem to disappear in an hour and your face looks and feels dry and dehydrated.

I also love that the ingredients are simple and natural....Hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5, seaweed extract, and omega 3 fatty acids.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. When my YuBe skin products arrive I'll share my results/experience here.

Thanks! 👍

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About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.

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