Cheek deflated - how can I add volume to cheeks naturally?

See How to Increase Volume in Cheeks Without Fillers

See How to Increase Volume in Cheeks Without Fillers

Help! My cheeks seem to have deflated over the last few years. How can I add volume to my cheeks naturally?



Editor's Note:

Hi there and thanks for your question. It seems to me that no matter what our facial structure is or how firm or high our cheeks once where, after we pass a certain age those cheeks do seem to look a bit "deflated" you called them.

And, this natural facial aging progression also leads to the development of nasolabial folds because the volume that once held up the skin around your cheeks is no longer there.

And as a result, the skin begins to sag downward, creating those folds we see around the sides of the nose.

But, I was able to increase volume in my cheeks with spending much money using at home exercises.

I’m a big fan of facial exercises because of the results that I have obtained. Check out my before and after pictures here

QUICKEST SOLUTION? Injectable fillers (like Restylane and Juvederm) work wonders to lift up sagging cheeks by replacing the lost volume we had when we were younger. These fillers can be used all over the face to create a lift by filling in/creating volume which helps lift sagging skin.

And for the most part, injectable fillers are safe and natural - containing a natural ingredient called hyaluronic acid.

But they can be expensive to maintain since they usually only last anywhere from 4-12 months…depending on where you have them injected.

Places on the face that have a lot of movement like the mouth typically only last up to 6 months or so. But the same filler may last a little longer in the cheek area.

SLOWER (but effective) SOLUTION? Facial exercises. This may require more effort on your part (less than 60 minutes a week), but it’s totally natural and not expensive.

Plus, with facial exercises you can also help prevent future age related changes because you are building up the muscle foundation in your whole face, neck, and decollete.

I saw changes in areas that I didn't even realized needed attention. Like my upper chest area. I didn't realize how crepey the skin looked until I did the exercises. Now, in comparison, I can see that it's much smoother than it was a year ago. I only noticed because I took tons of pictures documenting my progress.

The time I spent on getting these result was less about 45 minutes a week!

Also, take a look at what happened to my neck wrinkles in just 8 short weeks!!.

I hope this answered your question. As you can see - in my opinion - the only natural way to solve the cheek deflation problem is through face exercises. I feel these exercises solved a ton of my facial aging issues and did so inexpensively - compared to other options.

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Mar 11, 2021
Facial exercises
by: Anonymous

Well I have been doing facial exercises and my cheeks are somewhat filled but my chin and jawline seem not to improve. It is frustrating.


Keep in mind that it does take time to see full results. Sometime as long as 6 -12 months depending on many factors like your age, the health and condition of your skin and if you're dedicated to do facial exercises every week.

Also, I don't know whose program you're using and are you doing the full program or only picking and choosing certain ones? That was my problem in the beginning. I only picked exercises for the parts of my face that were bothering me at the time. And, I was dedicated. I would them for a few weeks and stop and then start up again later.

But, my lower face REALLY improved once I made facial exercising part of my weekly routine. Check out my before and after picture here:

See how pudgy my jowls were?

Finally, I use the CFF program and Carolyn (owner and creator of CFF) has bonus exercise videos for stubborn areas that are not responding as well with just the basic 28 exercises in the CFF program. She has ones for the lower face called the Lower Face Lifter that only take a few minutes to do.

Here is a link to the Bonus Face Exercise Video page:

Note: if you're just starting out please remember to take pictures every 7-10 days, so you can see the slight changes. This helps keep me motivated. In the beginning, when small changes are happening you might not see them and get frustrated.

But, it's SO exciting to look at the pictures week after week and see how things are getting firmer, lifted, and smoother!!

Also, try to take the pictures in the same place, in the lighting (or same time of day) with the same camera. And try to move all your hair off your face and neck and try to keep the same profile and facial expression you can really get a good comparison.

Hope this helped!

May 30, 2018
How to restore lost volume in my cheeks?
by: Anonymous

I am 41 yrs and have rapidly lost voloume in cheeks and under eye area.

Can facial exercises help me? Will I be able to get fuller look again?

Thanks for your question regarding how to restore volume in the cheek area.

Facial exercises - if done regularly and completely - can help add some volume to the face by slightly increasing muscle size.

The natural fullness and volume you had when you were younger can never be completely replaced with face exercises because facial volume is result of many different factors like:

Facial fat
Muscle mass
Skin thickness and hydration

But, increasing facial muscle tone can help quite a bit - in my opinion. I'm very pleased with my results.

Not only did facial exercises help restore some fullness in my cheek area, it helped create a bit of a natural "lift" to my entire face.

The important thing to remember is to always do a complete facial workout - which exercises all 57 muscles of the face.

If you click on this link - sagging face you can see how facial exercises lifted the sagging skin around my nasal labial folds (cheek/nose area) and added much needed volume to the under eye and cheek area.

I'm five years YOUNGER in the before picture - yet due to sagging facial muscle I look older.

In case you're interested - I use this face exercise CD.

I like this one because it takes the least amount of time and is inexpensive.

Plus, Carolyn (the creator) is available to answer your questions and concerns - even after you've purchased her product. I've been contacting her off and on with questions for over 5 years now!

But you should shop around and find one that you feel comfortable using.

I hope this helped.

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About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.

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