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by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ
Feel free to share your best beauty secrets, makeup tips, or homemade remedies. Or find solutions to your skincare problems.
P.S. Have you tried a product and like to share your views on it? Let other's know if it's worth it or not?
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Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
Can I use Vaseline for Over Exfoliated Skin?
I was wondering if it's safe to use Vaseline for over exfoliate skin?
I used a home chemical peel with glycolic acid and left it on way too long. …
Does vitamin c serum bleach skin
Hi, I read that vitamin C can help lighten skin and maybe even skin spots. So would a vitamin C serum bleach my skin?
------------------------ …
Face Exercises for Mini-Face Lift?
Do face exercises work like a mini-facelift? Can it really lift face muscles? I mean, can I get a natural mini-facelift by doing facial exercises?
Neck exercises for turkey neck and brown spots?
Thanks for your question regarding how often I do my face and neck exercises and how I got rid of the brown sun spot on my neck.
Here is what I do now …
Best eye treatment for under eye puffiness? This worked for me...
Does anyone know of a good under eye lift cream? I have puffy eyes mostly in the morning. It seems to get better in the afternoon, but then my skin around …
Can't do facial toning exercises but this works well for me
I have wanted to try facial toning exercises for a long time. I have a friend who has been doing them for years and she is over 70 and she looks …
Anti-Aging Tips for Women and Men Over 40
Want to look and feel younger? These are some of the proven tips:
1. Stop eating sugar and start scrubbing with it
2. Eat tons of vegetables and …
Sagging face at 40 are there natural remedies I could try?
Sagging face at 40 - Natural Remedies?
Hello AntiAging Beauty Zone,
Love your site. I was hoping you can help me. I'm in my early 40s and have …
Botox treatment for frown lines and sagging jaw line?
Hi! I'm 41 years old and I noticed frown lines around my eyes and a saggy jaw. I'm very much worried about the situation.
I have tried DIY tips to …
How to put on eyeliner with poor vision?
How do I put on eyeliner with poor vision?
Hi, I was hoping you could help me how to do eyeliner for my situation.
I am 54 and have cataracts and …
Cheek deflated - how can I add volume to cheeks naturally?
Help! My cheeks seem to have deflated over the last few years. How can I add volume to my cheeks naturally?
Editor's …
What's the best treatment for under eye crepiness?
Hi Anti-Aging Beauty Zone,
I have a question about the crepey skin under my eyes. I've tried almost every eye cream imaginable to help treat those tiny …
Sunken Eyes Treatment that's Natural
Hi, can you tell me if there are any natural treatments to help minimize under eye area that is sunken?
I think that area is called the "tear trough" …
Derma roller Rash! Help!
Dermaroller rash! Help!
I've been using the derma rolling system for a few weeks. I was hoping it could get rid of my under eye wrinkles and crow’s …
Easy Eye Solution Instant Eye Lift Samples
If your eye Serum works why not offer smaller samples for a person to try 2 or 3 times. $35 is a lot to try something that on Amazon for example does not …
How to hydrate my skin?
What do you think is the best way to hydrate my skin? I suddenly found my face to be very dry and well sort of dehydrated looking.
I never had dry …
What is Best Type of Eyeliner for Aging Eyelids: Top Picks for Older Wrinkled Eyes
Hi Linda,
What is the best type of eyeliner for aging wrinkled eyelids?
I'm over 50 and have noticed little tiny wrinkles all around my upper and …
Forehead wrinkles
Does anyone have any tips on reducing the look of wrinkles on the forehead?
I'm only 38 yrs old, but I'm getting these little lines across my forehead …
My Favorite Gua Sha Jade Stone! Not rated yet
Hi, I started using the gua sha jade stone as a way to comfort myself during a breakup with my boyfriend and pamper myself because I was feeling sad and …
I'm thinking of dermaplaning my upper lip. Any advice? Not rated yet
I want to do an at-home dermaplaning facial. But, I'm afraid of dermaplaning my upper lip. I worry that it might make the hair on the upper lip …
The best eyeliner for hooded and wrinkly upper eyelids? Not rated yet
Hi Linda,
I'm over 50 and my eyelids are hooded and wrinkly, so putting on eyeliner is a real hassle for me.
I've tried all these tricks for hooded, …
What's the best foundation and concealer for women over 60? Not rated yet
Hi All,
I'm over 60 and want to know what's the best foundation and concealer to use. Everything I use gets caught in the groves of my lines and wrinkles …
Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning? Not rated yet
Hi there.
I've just finished dermaplaning at home, and I'm a bit worried about what to do next. When can I go ahead and put on makeup without causing …
Can Face Exercises Really Tighten the Skin? Not rated yet
Do face exercises really help tighten your facial skin? My biggest fear is that I'll just make matters worse and stretch out my skin if I do the wrong …
Hemorrhoid Cream for Eye Bags Before and After Not rated yet
Hemorrhoid Cream for Eye Bags Before and After
Does using hemorrhoid cream on eye bags show any noticeable changes in their appearance before and after …
Eye Bag Removal Treatment Not rated yet
Say Goodbye to Eye Bags: Effective Removal Treatment Options
Do you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and find that your eyes seem weighed …
What Serums Can I Apply to my Face After Dermaplaning? Not rated yet
What can I put to my face after dermaplaning? Are serums a good choice, and if they are, which ones should I use?
I recently began dermaplaning at home …
Can Botox Cause Cheek Wrinkles? Not rated yet
I had Botox around my eye area and at the crow's feet. And, now a few weeks later, it seems like I have more wrinkles, especially around the upper cheek …
Can You Use Witch Hazel on Swollen Eyelids? Not rated yet
I'm confused. Is witch hazel is good to reduce puffy eyes or not?
Some articles say it can reduce inflammation and puffiness. But other articles like …
How can I get rid of Crepey skin under my eyes? Not rated yet
Hello, thanks for the informative website!
I have deep troughs under my eyes and slightly crepey skin.
I was wondering if hyaluronic acid can help …
Home Remedies to Thicken Skin Under Eyes Not rated yet
Home Remedies to Thicken Skin Under Eyes?
Are there any home remedies to thicken the skin under the eyes? I'm on a fixed income and can't afford expensive …
Turkey Neck Exercises. Can I see your before and after pictures? Not rated yet
Hi! I have been doing CFF for about 5 weeks now and also suffer from "turkey neck" at just 51 yrs old...
I was wondering if you would share some additional …
Applying Eyeliner for Skin Over 50 is a PAIN!!! This eyeliner is the BEST! Not rated yet
Applying eyeliner to skin over 50 is challenging.
I'm a senior (over 50 years young) and always have a hard time wearing eyeliner because the color …
Question about Lip Shape without Fillers Exercise Not rated yet
I bought the Lip Shaping exercise video to shorten the philtrum. But I have a few questions about this workout:
QUESTION: For the move where …
Homemade Wrinkle Treatments Not rated yet
Hi, I wanted to share my homemade wrinkle treatments with your website visitors. Some of these treatments were passed down to me from my mom and her mom. …
Anti-Aging Treatments: DIY Glowing Skin Treatment Not rated yet
Here is my quick anti-aging treatment tip you can do at-home with immediate results. And, it is not expensive at all!
Anti-Aging Treatment: DIY for …
What age did you start using anti age/wrinkle products? Not rated yet
Question for all the ladies out there. At what age did you start using antiwrinkle cream, serums, eye creams, etc? Anything to address aging skin on the …
How can I get firmer facial muscles and get rid of turkey neck and jowls. Help! Not rated yet
I have sagging jowls and the start of a “turkey neck”, and just started doing face and neck exercises.
I am hoping it will help firm up my …
Face masks makeup tips - Help! Not rated yet
I need some advice on wearing a face mask along with my makeup foundation.
I have to wear a face mask all day at work and I have to wear makeup and …
Help my face is sagging! How do I lift sagging jowls and tighten jawline? Not rated yet
Help my face is sagging. How do I lift sagging jowls and tighten jawline?
My lower face is sagging, especially around my mouth and along the jawline. …
Which is best for under eye crepiness? Plexaderm vs Sudden Change Not rated yet
Which the best temporary treatment for under eye crepiness? I've tried Plexaderm and it just caked up and peel off as soon as I move my face.
I heard …
How to Use Eye Lift Serum with Makeup? Not rated yet
I bought the Easy Eye Tuck Serum and when I first tried it, it worked great. So the next morning I did my usual makeup routine and put the serum …
Eye Makeup Tricks for 65 yr. Old Woman with Puffy Eyes Not rated yet
I am 68 years old and would like eye makeup tricks and advice and perhaps a list of products that I can purchase for a total eye makeup regime.
It …
Skin Creams with Vitamin C and Do You Exfoliate First? Not rated yet
Hi All,
I have two questions.
Can anyone recommend a good skin cream with vitamin C? I have very dry skin and worried that the vitamin C might dry …
Facial Skin Care Treatments- My First Mini RF Machine Not rated yet
Hi all,
I'm trying out a new facial skin care treatment, a mini (for home use) radio frequency (RF) machine. Apparently, these newer home based mini …
How can I look younger? People always think I’m in my 30s I’m not. Not rated yet
I just want to look my age not older and help reduce further aging.
What should I look for in a skincare routine?
I have heard good things about ‘the …
Mineral Makeup for Mature Skin Not rated yet
Where can I buy certified organic mineral makeup with SPF sunscreen? I have very sensitive skin and almost all makeup irritates it. I'm 62 years …
Plexaderm vs. Preparation H: Which Works Best for Under-Eye Bags? Not rated yet
How is Plexiderm different from preparation H for puffy eyes?
I find mixed information online about using hemorrhoid creams for eye bags. Is it safe …
Best anti-ageing cream safe for acne prone skin? Not rated yet
Can anyone recommend a good natural skin care cream for acne prone skin? I'm 41 years old and showing signs of fine lines around the eyes, mouth …
Where to buy simple eye serum for fine lines Not rated yet
Where can I buy a simple eye serum for crepy and fine under eye lines?
I don't want a fancy expensive product, just a simple "apply it once and get …
Sagging neck skin. Not rated yet
I'm on a low calorie diet, trying to reverse my type 2 diabetes. I have lost 26.6lbs in 6 weeks which is brilliant. The only problem is the sagging unsightly …
Sagging Cheeks Please Help! Not rated yet
I am 34 years old and my cheeks are starting to sag. They don't look as full or high like they used to.
I read about your experience with cheek exercises …
Vitamin C for Skin Whitening - Clinique Fresh Pressed Pure Vitamin C Not rated yet
I've been seeing ads for vitamin C serum products that are mixed together before you use them.
Clinique has one called Fresh Pressed Daily Booster …
How Does Khiels Eye De-Puffer compare to Eye Lift Serum? Not rated yet
I've just bought Khiels Fuel Eye De-Puffer and was wondering how does it compare to the Easy Eye Solution Eye Lift Serum?
I've been a customer of Khiels' …
49yr old guy wants to keep his firm jaw line Not rated yet
I was a fitness trainer for 10 years and have always stayed fit, however, recently I noticed my jawline had disappeared due to sagging skin under my chin. …
Can I put Preparation-H on my eye bags? Not rated yet
Can I use Preparation-H on my eye bags?
I know this sounds like an old remedy but I'm not finding anything that really helps reduce my puffy eyes and …
Eyebrow Gel or Brow Tint for Thinning Eyebrows? Not rated yet
Have you ever tried tinting your eyebrows with a permanent color?
I tried a semi-permanent tint but I didn't like the look. It cost about $20.00 …
Kinerase C6 Peptide Cream. Can't find this peptide skin care product.... Not rated yet
Hi Linda, I'm looking for Kinerase C6 peptide cream. It's an over-the-counter peptide skin care product that is supposed to be very effective, but I can't …
How I make my skin look younger - Less Wrinkles Not rated yet
Tips on How To Make Skin Look Younger:
A good skin routine is always the best start. Cleanse and moisturise 2 times daily.
Get a bit more sleep. …
How to Apply Eyeliner to Waterline - Is It Bad for Women over 40 Not rated yet
Applying Eyeliner to lower eyelid waterline.
Do you apply bottom liner on the water line or below it? I was told it's not a good idea to do that. …
Face Lift Exercise and Under Eye Bags Treatment Questions... Not rated yet
I saw your review for Carolyn's facial fitness program. When it comes to this or any other facial exercise program, do you have to keep it …
Should I buy glycolic acid to exfoliate my face? Not rated yet
Should I buy glycolic acid to exfoliate my face? I've tried all of those natural home remedies to exfoliate skin - but I never really see a difference. …
Deep Eye Sockets - How To Fill In Sunken Eyes? Not rated yet
I have very deep eye sockets that make my eyes and face look dark and tired. Is there anyway to fill the area under my eyes or give my lower eyelids …
Best Eye Treatment Eyelid Lift Cream it helps with dark circles too... Not rated yet
I've experimented with various eyelid lift creams and lower eyelift treatments, and yes, even ventured into trying Preparation H hemorrhoidal cream! 😦 …
Can You Reverse Bone Loss and Reshape the Facial bone with Face Exercises? Not rated yet
The photos about the facial Bone lost on your page impress me and I want to prevent and even reverse it by exercise, massage etc ...
But I would like …
Do Hyaluronic Acid Creams Work for Sagging Skin? Not rated yet
Do you think HA serums are effective in minimizing nasolabial folds?
Thanks for your time.
Nerium firm or Zenmed to get rid of eye wrinkles and nasolabial folds? Not rated yet
UPDATE: Sorry, I just realized that I didn't not answer your question completely. You asked about the Nerium Firm cream. I've never tried it so I don't …
Disappointed - Turkey Neck Article Not rated yet
When will the day come when women share some information without having to sell something? I am all for capitalism, but I get tired of seeing money making …
How to fix sagging face and skin around cheeks and jowls Not rated yet
Hi Everyone,
I often get questions about how to fix sagging cheeks naturally or do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions on how to fix or lift sagging skin on …
Brown Spots on Skin Not rated yet
What advice do you have to lighten brown spots on my face and dark spots on my neck?
I know there are a lot of skin-lightening products that contain …
I've looked through your site for help on how to fix my sagging cheeks. You talk about cheek lifts and sagging face but I don't see any advice or some …
Under eye treatment options - Skin Doctors Instant Eye Lift?? Not rated yet
Has anyone tried an under eye treatment product called Skin Doctors Instant Eye Lift. Does anyone have any experience with this? Just wondering …
Why does the Instant Eye Lift Serum have mixed reviews? Not rated yet
I've heard good things about the instant eye serum you talk about. But yet, I see mixed reviews all over the place. So what's the deal?
Is it worth …
eye makeup techniques to look better Not rated yet
I'm looking for eye makeup techniques to help my eyes look younger or more awake. I'm tired of looking tired. I tired eye makeup tips and highlighters …
Exercise for Tightening Face Skin Not rated yet
I am almost 72 yrs old, I've noticed lines around my mouth, saggy jowls, and turkey neck and I hate it.
I can't stand looking at myself in …
Fuller Cheeks Cream? Not rated yet
Are there any creams that will give me fuller cheeks? I've always had a thin face and I actually I was pretty happy about that.
But, now that I'm almost …
Face My Age Results! So Cool! Not rated yet
Try this website! You submit a recent picture of yourself and the site evaluates how OLD you REALLY look.
Kind of fun......
According to this site …
Best Eyeliner for Contact Lense Wearers- Pencil / Liquid / Gel? Not rated yet
I'm a contact lens wearer who loves the look of eyeliner, but I'm having trouble finding one that won't stick to my contacts. I've tried several pencil …
Face Lift Weights and Homemade Remedy Scrubs Not rated yet
Hi. Was it on your site that I read a recommendation about rubbing some blue spruce oil into the thighs every day? I can't find the page on this visit …
Best water proof eyeliner for mature skin? Not rated yet
Hi, just found your site and so excited to get more info & tips!! Hoping you can recommend a waterproof eyeliner.
I noticed you already recommended …
Does Vitamin C Serum Help Treat Turkey Neck? Not rated yet
Question: Can applying Vitamin C serum help treat turkey neck? I have loose skin around my neck with deep lines, but it’s not …
Sagging lower eyelids non-surgical remedies? Not rated yet
Hi There,
My lower eyelids are starting to get saggy. I don't have bags under my eyes, just pockets of skin hanging like an empty handbags.
I have …
Is that a real picture of your crow's feet? Not rated yet
Hey, just wondering is that really a picture of your before and after crow's feet?
I'm having a hard time believing that face exercises can get rid …
How To Tone Up My Double Chin? Not rated yet
How Can I Tone My Double Chin?
Do you have any advice on how I can tone my double chin? I'm only 39 years old and I'm starting to see a double chin …
Where to find Drugstore creams that contain copper peptides?? Not rated yet
Where Can I Find Real Copper Peptide Creams?
Hi Linda, copper peptide creams online are expensive. I searched everwhere to find some inexpensive ones …
How to get higher cheekbones? Not rated yet
How Can I get higher cheekbones?
My face shape is naturally slim and long. A feature I loved when I was younger, but now that I’m over 40, my face …
Best neck creams for turkey neck problem? Not rated yet
Can you tell me what you think are the best neck creams? I'm starting to get those lines that circle around my neck and I think my neck is starting to …
face exercise for cheeks and toning Not rated yet
Can facial exercise really lift my sagging cheeks?
When I was younger my cheeks looked fuller and more lifted. But now they seem sort of flattened. …
Under Eye Puffy Treatments Not rated yet
Does Visine really work well with the eye tuck serum?
I read on the EDS forum that some women mix the instant eye tuck serum with a little bit of visine …
About the Author:
Linda Robison is a Facial Fitness Specialist and the founder of Anti-Aging Beauty Zone. She shares expert insights on skincare, facial rejuvenation, and beauty treatments—blending traditional wisdom, personal experience, and science-backed research for both at-home and in-office solutions.
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