Cannabidiol: benefits of CBD rich hemp oils skin aging

Before you buy Cannabidiol (CBD) skin care products, know the facts, to get the best results for your money.

Pure CBD skin creams contain powerful antioxidant that supports healthy skin with numerous anti-aging benefits.

But, make sure you know how much pure cannabidiol your skin cream actually contains for best results. 

Cannabidiol (CBD cream) Anti-Aging Skincare Products. What to know before you buy.

by: Linda Robison / Facial Fitness Specialist @ ABZ

What is CBD skin cream good for?

The use of CBD may help with treating dry skin or certain inflammatory disorders. The anti-inflammatory effects combined with the hydrating properties make it an ideal candidate for this type of treatment, according to one researcher's findings

"CBD could be beneficial in helping reduce redness and irritation from ingredients such as sodiumcolorsilicate," says Dr Nima Gharavi.

She also notes that there is preliminary evidence suggesting how these compounds work together at calming inflammation while achieving cosmetic results like improved elasticity - which means they're perfect if your goal isn't just soothing symptoms, but actually improving your skin's appearance.

Is CBD cream good for wrinkles

The antioxidants in CBD are one way it can help you lessen the visible signs of aging.

When applied topically, this anti-aging cream will counteract free radicals and reduce inflammation which causes wrinkles, while also making your skin look smoother than ever before!

How to get the best CBD skin cream

It’s a good idea to do some research before you buy a CBD face cream. Make sure you know what it contains and how it was made.

Most important, a good quality cannabidiol antioxidant facial moisturizer (like the one offered in this article) should contain organic ingredients and antioxidants, like:

  • organic avocado and jojoba oils
  • organic neem oil
  • organic aloe
  • organic, full-spectrum CBD oil
  • antioxidants including: Vitamin A, B5, C and E

Otherwise, you might over-pay for a product that’s not a pure CBD anti-aging cream and miss out on the skin healing benefits. 

Here are a few questions to ask before you buy the product:

Best CBD skin cream should contain full spectrum compounds

Does your CBD skin cream or serum contain full spectrum compounds?

The terms CDB oil and hemp oil are sometimes used interchangeably because CBD oil is derived from hemp.

Therefore, some skincare products may have the words “CBD Oil” on the label when, in fact, it only contains hemp oil. But they'll charge as much as a good quality CBD product.

Now there is nothing wrong with hemp oil, but it only contains a small amount of certain CBD compounds (not the full spectrum), and they occur in low doses. So if you're not getting the full spectrum of beneficial CBD compounds - why pay $$$ more? 

Also, hemp oil itself contains very little terpenes. Terpenes are organic compounds found in the cannabis plant and have beneficial effects on the skin.

I only use the full spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) cream listed below. It's my go-to moisturizer for my eyes, face, neck and décolleté area. 

The entourage effect

Another term to look for when shopping for CBD anti-aging creams is the ”Entourage effect”. This means you have a full combination of CBD compounds that work together and affect the CBD skin cell receptors.

According to Wikipedia, the definition of the Entourage Effect is "a proposed mechanism by which cannabis compounds act synergistically to modulate the overall psychoactive effects of the plant". 

In the case of a CBD face cream, the entourage effect means that certain CBD compounds were combined to create a skin-enhancing "tailored" formulation.

So, if you desire the important skin benefits found in a full spectrum CDB anti-aging skin cream, you’re not going to get that from hemp alone, and you may pay a higher price because of the CBD label. So read the label and ingredients.

How and what is cannabidiol made from and extracted

What is cannabidiol made from, and how is it extracted?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from the cannabis plant. The oils and essential phytochemicals that offer all the wonderful benefits must be extracted from the plant.

WARNING: The extraction method various from company to company.

It's important to know exactly how and what extraction method was used because some companies use cheap and toxic solvents or metals. So whether you're applying cannabidiol hemp oil to your skin or ingesting it - know the source of extraction!

The best method is a CO2 extraction which is a clean way to extract the different cannabinoids, terpene oils, waxes, and other essential phytochemicals within the plant without using or leaving behind any solvents, toxins, or heavy metals.

You want to look for products that say they use a CO2 extraction method, or better yet, Subcritical & Super Critical CO2 extraction.

These methods are the best for preserving and protecting the temperature-sensitive terpenes and light and volatile plant oils.  

What carrier oil is used in the CBD face cream

What type of oil is used as the carrier base? A carrier oil is used to dilute the essential oil from a plant, prevent it from evaporating too quickly, and help spread the product onto the skin.1

While olive oil or other healthy oils are excellent, using hemp seed oil is even better because it acts as a precursor. This means it can help the essential CBDs oil bond to the receptors in your skin’s endocannabinoid system. 

Why is it essential that CBDs bond to the skin cell receptors?

This is the exciting part and the important reason why CBD oils are so important for healthy skin. Your skin has a complex endocannabinoid system – which contains cannabinoid receptors.

Researchers discovered that when this system is disrupted, it can lead to various skin disorders ranging from atopic dermatitis to skin cancer.

That’s why it is believed that if CBDs (full spectrum) can bond to your skin receptors, they can help improve or maintain good over-all skin health. Check out this quick video tour explaining the skin’s endocannabinoid system! 2 , 3, 4

Is it legal

Is it legal – meaning does the cannabidiol skin cream contains less than 0.3% THC?

To be fully legal the skin cream should contain less than 0.3% THC. This is enough for the active CBD compounds to be very effective, yet without any photoactive effects (meaning it won’t get you high).

Is it organic and free of additives

I can’t say that every skin care product I use is organic or free from additives and preservatives. But, that’s mostly because it’s hard to find such products! So I do the best I can with what I can find. 

Final word about cannabidiol ant-aging products

See if the company provides how many milligrams (mg) of CBDs the cream contains per milliliter (ml).

Better yet, see if they offer a certificate of analysis. The CBD face cream I currently use contains 50 mg/ml and offers a certificate of analysis on their website.

There are anti-aging skincare products that are well-made. And some companies take great pride to make sure their products contain potent active ingredients (as found in studies), that are organic and free from isolates, additives, and preservatives.

When I come across such a company, I'll support, buy and use their products. You can learn more about their Cannabidiol (CBD) All-In-One Face and Eye Moisturizer here...

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